Siyuan's Blog

Read(); Think(); Try(); Repeat();

Building MXNet in docker

This blog shows how I built the MXNet deep learning framework in a docker container. If you follow this guide, you should be able to build your own. You can find the Dockerfile I created at the end of this post. Pre-requisite Since I’m building a GPU-enabled MXNet, the following pre-requisites are needed: nvidia-docker NVIDIA GPU (with support for Compute Capability >= 2.0) Building MXNet To create a docker container, you start with a base image.

Philosophy for everyone

What is philosophy? Have you thought about this question before? Do you feel that it’s a mysterious subject? Personally, that’s what I thought philosophy was before I took the Introduction to Philosophy MOOC from University of Edinburgh on Coursera. I think it’s partly because I never considered philosophy that useful in daily life. However, I think the course completed changed my mind about philosophy. I realized that philosophy is indeed important, fundamental and everywhere.

Student supercomputing competitions

Hey guys. I’ve been participating in student supercomputing competition related events for about half a year now as a team member of the Nanyang Technological University Supercomputing Team. And I would like to share with you some information about the available competitions. There are in total 3 international supercomputing competitions for undergraduate students. Some of them are even available for high school students or postgraduate student. They are ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC for short), ISC-HPCAC Student Cluster Competition (ISC for short), and SC Student Cluster Competition (SC for short).