I was migrating all my 2 factor authentication keys to my new phone the other day, and I realize that the representation of different keys in Google Authenticator is different. In Google Authenticator, there are 2 places for labels for each key. One is above and one is below. Some of the keys I have doesn’t show the label above. Therefore, I decided to take a look at the reason behind it.
If you’ve written some C/C++ code, or you are familiar with *nix systems, you’ve probably heard about Makefile. Makefile is a file that contains some commands for use with the GNU make build automation system. A typical use would be
$ ./configure && make && make install However, the usage of Makefile is not limited to just build automation. You can actually use Makefile for many kinds of task automation.
I’ve been taking the course Parallel Computing this semester, and I’m also participating in some student cluster competitions. Therefore, I wanted to configure OpenMP and MPI on my Mac to run some OpenMP and MPI programs. This post describes how I successfully configured OpenMP and MPI with Homebrew.
Pre-requisite Make sure you have Homebrew installed on your Mac. Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. It is in some way similar to package managers in Linux distributions, such as apt-get and yum.
As a person who browses the Internet everyday, I have to say that there are so many contents created every day. As a result, I have to come up with ways to handle all these information without overloading my brain. In this post, I would like to talk about the tools I use on a daily basis and my workflow.
RSS RSS, which stands for Rich Site Summary, is a way to summarize contents on the Web.
Have you ever run into the situation where you want to access a server behind multiple layers of firewall and with no public IP? If so, please read on. In this post, I’ll be sharing how I can successfully access my server with a custom domain.
Pre-requisite You are gonna need a few things before we move on, they are listed below:
Your server (of course!) A publicly accessible server A domain name (optional) Here let’s assume the public server has an IP of 1.